Tips on How to Microdose for Sanity, Sleep, and Self-Care While Staying at Home


OLO sublingual strips come in four experience formulations. Photo: Marcia Gagliardi. © mymilligram. Styling: Christian Jusinski/Surfacehaus.

OLO sublingual strips come in four experience formulations. Photo: Marcia Gagliardi. © mymilligram. Styling: Christian Jusinski/Surfacehaus.


These are such trying times, and if there was ever a moment to try plant medicine to help you cope with the world’s heartbreaking fallout from coronavirus, well, this is it. Some of you have been curious about exploring the many benefits of cannabis for a while, and now that many of us are staying home for who knows how long, well, you have the perfect familiar and controlled environment to experiment within, notice what you’re feeling, and see what works. If you’re new to cannabis, a good place to start is with my introductory video, and here’s my piece on how to try THC for the first time. (You should also take a peek at known drug interactions before you dive in.)

I’ve been so touched by the private emails I’ve been receiving from new users looking for advice on getting better sleep or lowering anxiety, so I wanted to create a resource for all of you. We’re dealing with a LOT, and all we can do is take it day by day. Here’s how I’m using cannabis right now (plus a few other remedies and tips for you). Keep in mind that one size doesn’t fit all, and cannabis is definitely a journey, so I’m including a number of different products you can look into. Most products mentioned are linked to my earlier reviews so you can read more in depth about how to use them.

A few words on alcohol and over-consuming: for those of us who enjoy our wine and cocktails, it’s far too easy to pour with a heavier hand these days. I mean, times like this are what booze is for, right? While it may feel good in the moment, a few hours later, it’s likely going to be disrupting your sleep, and the depressing after-effects are cumulative, especially the next day. There’s a lot to cry over already, and I don’t need any encouragement in that area.

While I certainly enjoy my bubbles and my bourbon, I’m trying to keep my consumption on the low end, and am finding much more happiness and balance with my canna-cocktails instead. I also don’t want to play around with getting cross-faded (mixing alcohol and cannabis)—since one potentiates the effects of the other, I recommend keeping an eye on your cannabis consumption if you’re drinking, especially if you’re new to cannabis. The last thing you want is a case of the spins. And our bodies are much more sensitive right now with all the stress—a little can go a long way. Be gentle.

The high-CBD, full-spectrum tinctures from Chemistry are a fave. Photo: ChingImages. © mymilligram. Art direction: Marcia Gagliardi. Styling: Christian Jusinski/Surfacehaus.

The high-CBD, full-spectrum tinctures from Chemistry are a fave. Photo: ChingImages. © mymilligram. Art direction: Marcia Gagliardi. Styling: Christian Jusinski/Surfacehaus.

In the morning, I start my day with about 5–10mg of CBD after my morning espresso—lately, I’ve been loving the award-winning Chemistry Lady Benbow CBD tincture (their AC/DC is another winner), and then I follow it with 5mg or so of Chemistry’s Sweet Retreat THCA tincture (I’ll be writing more on this one very soon). I’m finding these two help me focus and deal with the stress of the morning’s headlines, my inbox, and all that input which can be a bit overwhelming first thing. I’m also a fan of Level’s Morning Tablinguals—they help me start the day with a slightly even keel (I’m taking two) but aren’t intoxicating.

Throughout the day, the goal for me is to be able to stay calm and focused on writing and working—I’m actually working a lot at the moment, which is pretty impossible if not somewhat futile unless I turn my phone face down, email notifications off, and put on some good music. (The latest albums from Little Dragon, The Seshen, Tame Impala, and the TSO Grateful mix on Spotify have been in heavy rotation.) Any writing seems to be taking twice as much time or more for me to complete. (I won’t even tell you how many days this piece took to put together, OMG.)

It has been recommended to lay off smoking and vaping to help protect our precious lungs, or at least try to smoke less. Not a problem. I have always enjoyed sublinguals and infused beverages for their fast onset, and low-dose edibles are another option. When I’m feeling a little energy/mood slump in the afternoon, I can do about 1.5mg–2.5mg of the Gold tincture by Juna or Do Drops by The Farmaceuticals Co. under my tongue for some light sparkle and mood lift. I follow it with a 5–7mg dropper of CBD to keep it all around a 3:1 ratio of CBD:THC or thereabouts. (You can also just use the Restore 3:1 tincture from Cosmic View—it’s such a great ratio.) 

I’m keeping things super-light, because too much THC can get my mental wheels spinning too fast about how devastating and scary things are in the world at the present moment. The goal is to have THC working quietly and gently in the background to keep you relaxed but not anxious, and I like to balance it out with the calming effects from CBD. The 1:1 Verra Micromist is another way to even out your mood—just have a few spritzes as needed throughout the day. 

The Kiva Camino Sparkling Pear Prosecco gummies are great for daytime. Photo: Marcia Gagliardi. © mymilligram. Styling: Christian Jusinski/Surfacehaus.

The Kiva Camino Sparkling Pear Prosecco gummies are great for daytime. Photo: Marcia Gagliardi. © mymilligram. Styling: Christian Jusinski/Surfacehaus.

Daytime edibles can bring some calm, but I gotta keep it super-low or I get too spacey. I think the Kiva Camino Sparkling Pear Prosecco gummies are wonderful for keeping daytime anxiety at bay: 6mg CBD and 2mg of THC per gummy, they’re perfect. Other folks swear by Kiva Petra Mints, at 2.5mg per mint. There’s a reason they’re called “mom mints.” (I prefer them in the early evening, when I can chill a little more.)

Are you going out to exercise, or for a walk? I hope so. Go admire the flowers and smell some fresh air. It’s a great time for some lift. Try a Kin Slips Cloud Buster 5mg sublingual strip, or chew a piece of Level’s THC Hybrid gum (I know it says 10mg, toooo much, but read my review and you’ll understand it’s super-light, I promise—I’m out here doing the weed for you!). The previously mentioned Gold, or Do Drops, also perfect. I’m very careful about not taking too much if I’m leaving my nest—I over-consumed a little one day and was not happy about the extra-paranoia brought on by all the humanity running by me in the park. Ahhhhhh! I had to head back home and eat some cheese and chill the eff out.

This is also the perfect time to boost some oxytocin and dopamine in your body—through sex and orgasm! Whether you’re quarantining at home with a partner or you’re solo, I vote for a daily orgasm for self-care and stress relief. Enjoy exploring some cannabis topicals for arousal (Kiskanu’s Intimacy Oil, Comic View’s Viva La V!, Quim’s Night Moves) and Humboldt Apothecary’s Love Potion No. 7 can be taken orally (start with 2.5mg) and enjoyed topically—double play! Pick out a new toy from Good Vibrations and raise your vibes.

I know some folks have a bit more time on their hands right now, so feel free to declare that it’s happy hour whenever it suits you. 2pm? Sure! A great afternoon chillaxer is a 2mg CANN soda—it takes the edge off oh-so-slightly, without getting you too dopey or spacey. (They have a new and limited ginger-lemongrass flavor I’ve been meaning to try.)

Start unwinding with Juna Jade 1:1 drops. Photo: Marcia Gagliardi. © mymilligram. Styling: Christian Jusinski/Surfacehaus.

Start unwinding with Juna Jade 1:1 drops. Photo: Marcia Gagliardi. © mymilligram. Styling: Christian Jusinski/Surfacehaus.

It’s important to start a good wind-down in the early evening—it will begin relaxing your mind and body for sleep later. When it’s close to “happy hour” (again, this is a fluid concept right now, so to speak, LOL) or time to make dinner, it’s time for a canna beverage. You probably already know what a huge fan of Artet I am, and I also love making non-alcoholic drinks and adding 2.5mg–3mg of 1:1 tinctures to them (or just under my tongue), like Lightly Lifted and Juna Jade. All of these make me feel relaxed, a little giggly, softer, smoother. (The high CBD 3:1 Calm from Humboldt Apothecary is low in THC if you’re looking for something light.)

When was the last time you took a bath? Well, now is definitely the time, and the Om Edibles Epsom Mineral Soak is a one-way ticket to ahhhhhh. Love the lavender. Treat yo’self! And when you get out of the tub, rub on some cannabis body oil! Get those shoulders, that neck, that tired back, those calves… If you live with someone, volunteer them to help you apply it. 🙂 I also adore my Kiskanu cannabis face oil—I make sure to really rub it into my jaw and forehead (wherever you hold stress).

I have also been trying the Green Bee Botanicals Deep Calm Massage Oil, especially on my poor, cracked hands at the end of the night (I’m having the worst eczema flare-up on my fingers from all the hand-washing and stress, so this is helping me). Cosmic View also makes a Skin Salvation balm that helps heal irritation. Find some salve-ation.

Is it movie night? Isn’t it every night? (I swear to goddess, I’m so glad I never watched Schitt’s Creek until now—I’ve been laughing my ass off, and their claustrophobic situation slightly mirrors our own current stay-at-home scenario, so it’s really working for me. It has been the most delightful nighttime escape.) Pop up some 1:1 Pop-Up Potcorn (try the 1:1 for 4mg of CBD:THC)—you can share it, or eat the whole thing yourself and get ready for some good sleep when you’re done with your movie. 

You could also nibble on a couple low-dose Satori almonds, blueberries, or wild strawberries after dinner—dosage varies per product, start at 2.5mg or so. By the time you finish your dishes and start your Netflix show, you should start feeling good. If you want something with quicker onset, try the Float On sublingual strip from Kin Slips! (Start with 5mg, they’re light. You can always do more later!) You’ll be chilling in no time.

A gentle, herbal tincture that can help you get some sleep. Photo: ChingImages. © mymilligram. Art direction: Marcia Gagliardi. Styling: Christian Jusinski/Surfacehaus.

A gentle, herbal tincture that can help you get some sleep. Photo: ChingImages. © mymilligram. Art direction: Marcia Gagliardi. Styling: Christian Jusinski/Surfacehaus.

Now, here’s the big one. Sleep. Some of you have trouble falling asleep, so I hope you’ve tried some of these earlier evening wind-downs I have mentioned. I’m a big fan of Level’s Calm Tablinguals with non-intoxicating CBG—you can even put a couple under your tongue, because more is more. (Keep these on your bedside table—if you wake up in the middle of the night, pop one or two under your tongue to help you get back to sleep.) Level’s new CBN Tablinguals were engineered to help with sleep, so you can see how these feel for you—they’re gentle and a good alternative for people who are sensitive to THC. Level also makes a CBG Protab, which is a 25mg tablet that you ingest. I know it sounds like a lot, but actually, it’s a wonderful, floaty calm—you won’t feel a THC-related high because there isn’t any. I dig it. Take it halfway through your movie and then you’ll be well-prepped for bed an hour later. So chilly-chill. (You can have it anytime—if you’re having a hard day, pop a CBG Protab, and take a nap!) And Kin Slips makes a Shut Eye sublingual strip, which is just CBD and CBN, so you won’t feel very high, and it will come on faster than an edible.

Tinctures are great before bed: Om Edibles Nighttime Elixir is a fave (it’s a good starting point for folks, and you can do another 2.5mg if you wake up at 3am), The Farmaceuticals Co. makes the excellent Doze Drops (these are a little bit stronger), and Humboldt Apothecary makes a Rest tincture you can put under your tongue, or their Deep Sleep, which is better dropped into a beverage (and comes on fast). Again, start low and go slow with the dose—begin with 2.5mg of THC for all of these.

Some beverages you can try for quick onset are Kikoko’s Tranquili-Tea, a classic for some Zzzzz, and the Sleep Cannabis Infused Instant Tea by Atlas Edibles, which you can drink hot or cold.

Some folks are able to fall asleep pretty easily, but then wake up a few hours later and have a tough time getting back to sleep, which is the worst. This is where edibles are our friend, because they can help you stay asleep and cruise you into that second sleep cycle. I always recommend starting with 2.5mg of any edible to see how it goes, and then go to bed—the goal is to be asleep by the time the THC starts kicking in. 

You can try half of the new Kiva Midnight Blueberry Camino CBN and THC gummies (these are giving me the SLEEP, let me tell you, but I’ve been taking the whole 5mg). Pantry chocolates are also great—I love the gianduja ganache bonbon the most (start with half for 2.5mg).

I also recommend Level’s Hangover Protab. These chill me out like a Valium, and I sleep really, really well. They have about 4.5mg of intoxicating cannabinoids, so take it and go to bed. If you discover you need a bigger dose, the Bliss Blossom chocolates by Garden Society will definitely knock you out (they’re 10mg of THC each). I can’t consume that much THC because I’ll feel a weed hangover the next day, so I cut them in half, but for some people, they’re just right.

A few other things in my arsenal:

These aren’t cannabis/THC-containing products, so you can order them or mail them to a friend across the nation!

I’m a huge believer in ashwagandha—when I was going through an incredibly stressful time in my life a few months ago, it really helped me get through, especially during the day. I was joking to my friends that I was practically doing shots of it. I love the calming and grounding tincture from Portland Ashwagandha Farm.

We need to keep our immunity strong, and the Mouth Moon Immunity Mouthwash (with CBD) from Suu Kuu is a ritual of mine whenever I’m feeling depleted or like I’m on the brink of getting sick. It would be a good one to swish with every day. (They make some wonderful products, from their Sea of Serenity adrenal support to their mineral-rich and hemp-infused tonics—so if you’re going to order something, be sure to take a look at their full line of products.)

Higher education:

This is a great time to do some reading and learn new things. I’m so bummed I’ve been too busy to crack into my brand-new copy of The Ultimate Guide to CBD by our dear Jamie Evans of The Herb Somm, which is full of recipes, helpful research and information, and there’s even a guide to creating your own infusions and wellness products, plus a bunch of tips from folks in the canna industry (yours truly was honored to contribute a spotlight on microdosing!). More on this book is coming from me soon, but I thought you’d want to curl up with this comprehensive and timely book, like, right now!

Another book that crossed my desk that I’m excited to read soon is Growing Weed in the Garden: A No-Fuss, Seed-to-Stash Guide to Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation. I couldn’t miss the cover—it’s hot pink and green and made me very happy just looking at it. It’s from the former garden editor of Sunset magazine, Johanna Silver, and will hopefully inspire you to start growing your own! (I just have my little weed houseplant in my apartment, it’s time to up my game.)

Have you heard about the new educational podcast, How to Do the Pot, from April Pride and Ellen Scanlon (of Of Like Minds)? It’s designed to be a modern woman’s guide to cannabis, covering a variety of topics, from pleasure to period relief. It’s great to listen to on a walk, or lying on your floor (which I seem to be doing daily).

Take care of yourselves, sweeties. Try to take it day by day, or even hour by hour. Breathe. Keep the vibes high. I love you. Let me know if I can help you in any way.

Are you in the Bay Area? You can find almost all these products via the mymilligram page on Sava for delivery. Enjoy some color therapy at @mymilligram


Disclaimer: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your healthcare professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product.